Thursday, August 20, 2009


We are finding our rhythm after summer. As much as I would like to say we set our own rhythm because we don't go to school, this is not true. The majority of our friends go to school, so once their school starts, things quiet down here. The focus becomes more internal--more on the family. I've noticed that the kids seem to find there own rhythm if allowed to do that. I think too often we want to jump the gun and direct our kids activities, etc. Then resistance sets in. Kids know want they need to do if allowed the time to discover it on their own.

Yesterday we had our first art class. There is a great artist in town who loves to teach kids. Her artwork is funky, fun and colorful. The kids really wanted to learn more about art, so she is coming once a week to work with them. They learned "perspective" yesterday. Wow! I've never learned perspective (at least in art!) and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. Okay, so maybe it was a bit over Henry's head (he's 7) but we live and learn. He said next time he wants to learn how to draw something he would us everyday--like stars...

1 comment:

  1. Can I join this art class? Just teasing. I love the pictures of those adorable kids!!!
